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Why Does The New $1 Billion US Embassy In London Need The First Moat Since Medieval Times

Why Does The New $1 Billion US Embassy In London Need The First Moat Since Medieval Times

If you google “London moats”, you’ll probably alight on a link which will take you to “London’s Top 10 Moats: A Spotter’s Guide”. We had no idea there were so many and could only think of the “obvious” one surrounding the Tower of London, even if it’s waterless these days. According to the guide, a defensive ditch has surrounded the Tower since its origins in the eleventh century. The moat, which contained water from the thirteenth century until the 1840s, helps to protect the roughly cuboid “White Tower” keep, which gives the Tower of London its name.

PCR: "In A Triumph For Feminism Police Say A Mistletoe Kiss Without Consent Is Rape"

PCR: "In A Triumph For Feminism Police Say A Mistletoe Kiss Without Consent Is Rape"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Criminalizing a bit of Christmas fun has to make you wonder...

Is there any aspect of our life left into which the police state does not intrude?

Parents are regulated as to how they discipline their children. Spankings that were the tool of choice in my day are now illegal. Spanking is considered child abuse and can result in state seizure of the child and prosecution of the parent.

America's Painful Self-Delusion

America's Painful Self-Delusion

Authored by Allen Marshall (Crimson Avenger) via Defiant Living blog,

America is the only nation brought forth by a set of beliefs, and those beliefs, captured so eloquently in our founding documents, are some of the most powerful and inspiring ever conceived. We consider this to be the land of the free, where the individual is supreme and nothing prevents us from going as far as our talents can take us. That image of America – that “brand” – is incredibly strong.

Some Ex-Cons Are Finally Finding Jobs: But Does The Fed Care?

Some Ex-Cons Are Finally Finding Jobs: But Does The Fed Care?

While CNN doesn’t dedicate much time to covering the subject, we’ve repeatedly pointed out that, contrary to what conventional wisdom might lead one to believe, incarceration rates among white Americans have risen since 2000 while incarceration rates for minorities have fallen.

The US prison population is finally shrinking after swelling to more than 2 million people, placing the US among the countries with the largest prison populations. Nearly one in five inmates are incarcerated on nonviolent drug charges.
