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Humans Fight Back: San Fran Security Robot Attacked, Knocked Over, Smeared With Feces

Humans Fight Back: San Fran Security Robot Attacked, Knocked Over, Smeared With Feces

Earlier today, we mentioned the bizarre story of a San Francisco animal shelter which was using a low cost, high-tech robot security guard to purge homeless people outside its facilities. The San Francisco SPCA branch had contracted Knightscope to provide a K5 robot (the same model which in July committed suicide at a mall fountain) for securing the outdoor spaces of the animal shelter. 

New Russian Hacker Claims Putin Ordered Theft Of Clinton's Email, After First One Refused FBI Bribe To Lie

New Russian Hacker Claims Putin Ordered Theft Of Clinton's Email, After First One Refused FBI Bribe To Lie

A Russian hacker has reportedly confessed that he hacked the DNC and stole Hillary Clinton's emails under the direction of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), claims Russian news outlet The BellKonstantin Kozlovsky - a Russian citizen with a hacker group called Lurk, confessed to the theft during a hearing about his arrest in August, along with a handwritten letter in which he admits to acting on the orders of an FSB agent he referred to as "Ilya." 

Sound familiar?

Nobel Laureate 'Discovers' Cause Of Opioid Crisis: Complete Economic Destruction Of The "White Working Class"

Nobel Laureate 'Discovers' Cause Of Opioid Crisis: Complete Economic Destruction Of The "White Working Class"

For several decades now the American Midwest has suffered from unprecedented economic decay courtesy of a persistent outsourcing of manufacturing jobs in the automotive and steel industries, among others. As we've noted frequently, that economic decay has resulted in a devastating surge in opioid overdoses that claim the lives of 100s of people each year.

Omarosa Says She Has A "Profound Story" To Tell About The Trump Administration

After reportedly setting off alarms in the White House after trying to enter the residence after she’d been sacked by Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa Manigault Newman is threatening to go nuclear. In an interview with Good Morning America's Michael Strahan, Manigault Newman said there were a lot of things she was “very unhappy with” during her almost 12 months in the White House.
