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"Trump Should Go F Himself" - Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation

"Trump Should Go F Himself" - Texts Leak From FBI Agents On Russia Probe, Hillary Emails Investigation

Over 10,000 text messages sent between two top FBI investigators - one of whom led both the Clinton email investigation and the early Trump-Russia probe, have been turned over to Congress Tuesday evening and promptly leaked to the press. The profanity-laced messages reveal a deep hatred for Trump between veteran agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, who were having an extramarital affair while working together on the Clinton email investigation when the texts were exchanged.

Stocks Rebound From "Bama Shock", All Eyes On Yellen's Last Rate Hike

Stocks Rebound From "Bama Shock", All Eyes On Yellen's Last Rate Hike

After an early slide last night following the stunning news that Doug Jones had defeated Republican Roy Moore in the Alabama special election, becoming the first Democratic senator from Alabama in a quarter century and reducing the GOP's Senate majority to the absolute minimum 51-49, US equity futures have quickly rebounded and are once again in the green with the S&P index set for another record high, as European stocks ease slightly, and Asian stocks gain ahead of today's Fed rate hike and US CPI print.

Paul Craig Roberts: "ISIS Is Defeated, The US Is Next In Line"

Paul Craig Roberts: "ISIS Is Defeated, The US Is Next In Line"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Is the US really a superpower or just the biggest collection of stupidity on the planet?

Washington has already lost the Syrian war once. Now it is about to lose it a second time.

A few days ago the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, declared a “complete victory” in Syria:

“Two hours ago, the (Russian) defense minister reported to me that the operations on the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates have been completed with the total rout of the terrorists.”

John Lennon Was Right: The Government Is Run By Maniacs For Maniacal Means

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

Not much has changed in the 37 years since John Lennon was gunned down by an assassin’s bullet.

All of the many complaints we have about government today - surveillance, corruption, harassment, political persecution, spying, overcriminalization, etc. - were used against Lennon, who never refrained from speaking truth to power and calling for social justice, peace and a populist revolution.

Little wonder, then, that the U.S. government saw Lennon as enemy number one.

CNN & MSNBC Attempt Coverup of Bogus Story They Started

CNN & MSNBC Attempt Coverup of Bogus Story They Started

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

CNN & MSNBC refuse to provide any transparency on how they blew a major anti-trump story.

The headline image is from the BBC story Russia-Trump: Who's who in the drama to end all dramas?

The BBC names the key players, but it missed one: the media.

On December 9, Glen Greenwald at the Intercept reported The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened.
