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Chris Hedges: Our Ever-Deadlier Police State

Chris Hedges: Our Ever-Deadlier Police State

Authored by Chris Hedges via,

None of the reforms, increased training, diversity programs, community outreach and gimmicks such as body cameras have blunted America’s deadly police assault, especially against poor people of color. Police forces in the United States - which, according to The Washington Post, have fatally shot 782 people this year - are unaccountable, militarized monstrosities that spread fear and terror in poor communities.

Billionaire Seth Klarman Warns Trump Is "A Threat To Democracy" As Donor Class Frets About Tax Reform

Billionaire Seth Klarman Warns Trump Is "A Threat To Democracy" As Donor Class Frets About Tax Reform

The revelation last week that the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news website largely funded by Republican megadonor and hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research into Trump has inspired Steven Bannon to declare war on the mega doner.  But while Singer has reportedly warmed to the president in the months since he took office, many of his peers are growing increasingly cynical.

Workers, Rejoice: Fully Autonomous Restaurant Chain Eatsa Shutters 5 Locations

Workers, Rejoice: Fully Autonomous Restaurant Chain Eatsa Shutters 5 Locations

It’s a rare day when America’s beleaugered minimum-wage earning fast food workers book a victory in their struggle to sustain their labor-market dominance before the machines inevitably take over.

But as McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and other fast-food and fast-casual chains experiment with order kiosks and other technology to automate parts of the food-service process, one small chain that hoped to disrupt with industry by embracing automation is throwing in the towel.
