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Foreign Affairs Mag Advances Domestic Terrorism To Remove Alternative Media

Submitted by Mike Miles, journalist, writer and book author

Foreign Affairs Magazine Advances Domestic Terrorism To Remove Alternative Media

Is Foreign Affairs magazine advancing “domestic terrorism” because it could help remove alternative media, and even jail editors and writers or worse. The recent article is entitled “Should We Treat Domestic Terrorists the Way We Treat ISIS? What Works—and What Doesn't.” It begins as follows:

Iran Threatens America: If New Sanctions Pass, US Military "Would Be At Risk"

Iran Threatens America: If New Sanctions Pass, US Military "Would Be At Risk"

In the coming days, president Trump is expected to announce that he will decertify the Iran Nuclear Deal, a step that potentially could cause the historic Obama-era accord to unravel. Under the 2015 deal, Iran agreed to limit its disputed nuclear program in return for the easing of economic sanctions. Realizing the dire threat that such a move presents for its economy - not to mention Iranian oil exports -  Iran has escalated the rhetoric, and overnight it warned the United States that U.S.

San Franciscans Pissed To Learn Their Liberal Policies Caused A Wave Of Restaurant Failures

San Franciscans Pissed To Learn Their Liberal Policies Caused A Wave Of Restaurant Failures

In a note that we'll file away under the definition of 'irony', Bloomberg wrote today that the fun-loving, free-spirited socialists of San Francisco are suddenly really pissed off that their liberal economic policies have resulted in a wave of restaurant failures, making it nearly impossible to find good food at an 'affordable' price. 

We would be pissed too...who could have guessed that artificially raising wages well above market supported rates would result in business failures?

White House Says Trump's "Calm Before The Storm" Comment Is "Extremely Serious"

Following President Trump's "calm before the storm" comments last night, reporters tried to ask him once again what he meant today, to which he responded "you'll see." However, during The White House Press Briefing, Sarah Sanders replied to questions suggesting the President's comments were "extremely serious," however without offering an explanation.
