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"Remember, Our Kids Are Watching" - Biden Bashes Trump Over "The Soul Of The Nation"

After 36 years in the Senate and 8 years as VP, it appears Joe Biden is setting up for one more run at the presidency in 2020 - when he will be 77 years old. In an extraordinarily divisive and personally-scathing op-ed, published in The Atlantic, Biden calls on Americans to do what President Trump has not...

Paul Craig Roberts: "There Is A Conspiracy... And It's Against The American People"

Paul Craig Roberts: "There Is A Conspiracy... And It's Against The American People"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

In the United States “conspiracy theory” is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.

The explanations imposed on us by the ruling class are themselves conspiracy theories. Moreover, they are conspiracy theories designed to hide the real conspiracy that our rulers are operating.

Matt Taibbi: Media Is The Real Villain (For Creating A World Dumb Enough For Trump)

Matt Taibbi: Media Is The Real Villain (For Creating A World Dumb Enough For Trump)

Authored by Matt Taibbi via,

The craziest part of Donald Trump's 77-minute loon-a-thon in Phoenix earlier this week came when he rehashed his shtick about the networks turning off live coverage of his speech. Trump seemed to really believe they were shutting the cameras off because "the very dishonest media" was so terrified of his powerful words.

"They're turning those lights off so fast!" he said. "CNN doesn't want its failing viewership to see this!"
