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Watch Live: President Trump Speaks At Rally In Phoenix Following "Underwhelming" Protests

Watch Live: President Trump Speaks At Rally In Phoenix Following "Underwhelming" Protests

Amid underwhelming protests, and in the absence of Republican Governor Doug Ducey, President Trump is set to hold a campaign-style rally in Phoenix tonight that may be must-watch for a number of reasons. 

As The Hill reports, Trump is expected to use the podium in Phoenix to defend his hard-line approach on immigration and to pressure Congress for more than $1 billion to build the southern border wall that was at the core of his presidential campaign.

Neocons Love Trump's New Afghanistan Plan, Blackwater Calls It "Obama-Lite"

In an extended tweetstorm conccurrent with Trump's Monday night Afghanistan address, Ron Paul lashed out at the president, saying that at long last, Trump's neo-con nature had emerged. "Steve Bannon brakes removed. Neocons feeling their oats" and urging the public to "Beware! @LindseyGrahamSC loves Trump's speech! Why are arch-neocons celebrating so much?

There's A New Subprime Crisis, But It's Not What You Think

There's A New Subprime Crisis, But It's Not What You Think

Authored by Robert Colvile via,

  • The struggles of Provident Financial have fuelled concerns about a new sub-prime crisis
  • Buyers of Provident's car loans are up to their eyeballs in debt
  • Regulation has discouraged big banks from offering affordable credit to the poor

A decade on from the financial crisis, the reports today about the sub-prime lender Provident Financial have given us a nasty case of déjà vu.

Here's How The Next Recession Begins

Here's How The Next Recession Begins

Authored by Simon Black via,

In 1886 there were only 38 states in the United States.

Electric power was still cutting edge technology that few people had ever seen.

The Statue of Liberty hadn’t even been dedicated yet.

But it was that year that a man named Richard Sears founded a small retail company in Minneapolis, Minnesota that would grow into a retail juggernaut.

Sears was truly the Amazon of its day.
