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In Nationwide Address, Trump To Unveil "New Path Forward" On Afghanistan Tomorrow

In Nationwide Address, Trump To Unveil "New Path Forward" On Afghanistan Tomorrow

With the anti-neocon Steve Bannon out, and nobody left in Trump's inner circle to halt the simmering push for war in Aghanistan, North Korea, the Middle East and virtually everywhere else courtesy of Generals Kelly and McMaster, this morning Reuters reported, quoting Defense Secretary Mattis that Trump has a made a decision on the United States' strategy for Afghanistan after a "sufficiently rigorous" review process.

CNN Reveals Gameplan: Remove the President Under the 25th Amendment for Being Mentally Ill

CNN Reveals Gameplan: Remove the President Under the 25th Amendment for Being Mentally Ill

Content originally published at

Back in July, Fox News columnist, Steve Kurtz, asked the question regarding the 25th amendment: Constitution or Coup? But that wasn't the first time the 25th amendment was mentioned by democrats. They've been pining to use it to remove Trump from the day he took office.

Morgan Stanley: Here Comes "The Three-Headed Policy Monster"

Morgan Stanley: Here Comes "The Three-Headed Policy Monster"

One month ago, Morgan Stanley's chief cross-asset strategist looked at the current state of the market - "the S&P 500, Russell 2000 and NASDAQ have hit all-time highs. Volatility has plunged back down near all-time lows. Credit is tighter and yields have been stable" - and asked "what rattles this market. What breaks the egg?"

His answer was five-fold, including valuations, inflation, geopolitics and China, but the biggest concern was what is coming in just one month on the US legislative docket:

5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

5 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST

Via The Daily Bell

Can you believe that there are at least three statues of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington DC? There is one in South Dakota too, another in Virginia, and even more in London.

It appears all these places are overrun by racists and fascist sympathizers. How can people put up with revering a man who:

1. Literally Rounded Up 120,000 Japanese Americans, and Put them in Concentration Camps!

That was authorized by executive order 9066, which Roosevelt signed February 19, 1942.
