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Americans Are Rapidly Descending Into Madness

Americans Are Rapidly Descending Into Madness

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

I don’t live in an echo chamber, partly because there aren’t enough people out there who think like me, but also because I constantly and intentionally attempt to challenge my worldview by reading stuff from all over the political map. I ingest as much as I can from a wide variety of intelligent sources, picking and choosing what makes sense to me, and then synthesizing it the best I can.

Charlottesville 2

Charlottesville 2

Paul Craig Roberts

What the liberal/progressive/left is trying to do with Charlottesville is to associate Trump supporters with White Supremacists and in this way demonize Trump supporters so that they will not have a voice when Trump is overthrown in a coup. Or it can be put in a different way: Charlottesville is being used by someone to discredit Trump and the people who elected him in order to pave the way for a coup, and the liberal/progressive/left is enabling the plot.

Before "Fake News," America Invented "Pseudo Events"

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In the wake of the Chalottesville riot, it's been interesting how quickly the focus has shifted away from the actual events in Charlottesville and toward the public pundits and intellectuals are expressing opinions about the events. 

Already, the media has lost interest in analyzing the details of the event itself, and are instead primarily reporting on what Donald Trump, his allies, and his enemies have to say about it. 

NC Governor: "Monuments Should Come Down"; Durham Antifa Leader Charged With Felony

On Tuesday evening North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper posted a public statement to the website Medium, weighing in on the now raging Confederate memorials controversy: "These monuments should come down," he said. Cooper further called for the state legislature to repeal a law which seeks to prevent state and local authorities from removing them permanently. Cooper published the statement in the wake of a Confederate statue being unlawfully removed by protesters in Durham as local police reportedly stood by. 

Tucker Carlson Asks the Question: Will the Left Refute America’s Forefathers Because They Owned Slaves?

Content originally published at


I cannot see how the left cannot call for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others to be removed from the public square, libraries, museums, universities and our currency.

Since the left is out to get all racists, feverishly on the lookout for nazis and alt-right retards, ripping down statues of confederates, why not go to the source of all this racism, eh? America's forefathers.
