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US Military Presence Overseas Mushrooming: Here, There, And Everywhere

Authored by Alex Groka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. The forces use several hundred bases, more than 1,000 if the figure includes overseas warehouse and installations. The US may need more soon, with its presence and involvement in armed conflicts on the rise.

Bomb Shelter Sales "Skyrocket" In California As Nuclear Fears Spike

Bomb Shelter Sales "Skyrocket" In California As Nuclear Fears Spike

Equity investors today failed to follow through on initial efforts to "Buy The Fucking Fire and Fury Dip" but they are apparently rushing out to buy their very own doomsday bunkers on the off chance that President Trump wasn't joking yesterday when he offered the following warning to North Korea:

"We Need More Suckers At The Table" - Quant Funds Stumble As Dumb-Money Disappears

"We Need More Suckers At The Table" - Quant Funds Stumble As Dumb-Money Disappears

The omniptence of artificial intelligence is unquestioned. The 'future' is automation, robotization, and algorithmic domination is the mantra of the new normal prognosticators - and anyone who challenges this world view is a luddite or 'denier'.

There's just one problem - those quantitative, AI-based, computerized algos, that are supposed to be making people obsolete in the financial markets, are in trouble. As Bloomberg reports, program-driven hedge funds are stumbling, a promising startup has closed, and once-reliable styles are showing weakening returns.

Chinese State Media Asks "Can Trump Win The Game Of Chicken With North Korea?"

While President Trump is more than willing to tweet or comment ad hoc his feelings about any of several crucial geopolitical hotspots, the Chinese prefer the more subtle approach. With their India border tensions, officials pen 'threatening' articles; but with North Korea, it appears the government prefers a well known mouthpiece - The China Global Times - to send a message to America - simply put, back off the rhetoric before this goes pear-shaped because North Korea has nothing to lose...
