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Japanese Are Going "Hog Wild" Buying $19,000 Doomsday Shelters

Japanese Are Going "Hog Wild" Buying $19,000 Doomsday Shelters

North Korea’s latest ICBM test demonstrated once again that all of Japan is within striking range of the Kim Jong Un’s missiles, as it has been for a long time.

But it appears the North’s intensifying campaign of missile tests, which have increased dramatically in frequency since the beginning of the year, has convinced many wealthy Japanese that a nuclear confrontation could be imminent.

Southern California Median Home Price Doubles In Five Years

Southern California Median Home Price Doubles In Five Years

Submitted by Jeff Paul

The US government likes to pretend that the rising cost of living is under control. People in Southern California know better. According to a new report in the Los Angeles Times, median house prices in Southern California have doubled in the last five years.

LA Times reports:

In many corners of Southern California, home prices have hit record highs. And they keep going up.


Report: Trump Fired Reince Priebus via Twitter

Content originally published at

Let's be clear about the firing of Reince Priebus. This was the most humiliating and excoriating firing in the history of America. Not only was he chewed out in a Bronx style chorus of expletives by newcomer Scaramucci, but, according to Howard Finerman's inside sources, he was fired through the President's twitter account.
