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Confirmed: NFL Fans Tuned Out Last Year Because Players Protested The National Anthem

Confirmed: NFL Fans Tuned Out Last Year Because Players Protested The National Anthem

Authored by Kati Pavlich via,

The NFL took a massive ratings dive last year after a number of players, led by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, refused to stand for the National Anthem. At the time, NFL officials claimed they didn't exactly know why ratings were down and even used the 2016 presidential election as an excuse for why more people weren't watching. 

The U.S. Empire Continues To Stumble Towards Ruin

The U.S. Empire Continues To Stumble Towards Ruin

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

There is a true law, a right reason, conformable to nature, universal, unchangeable, eternal, whose commands urge us to duty, and whose prohibitions restrain us from evil. Whether it enjoins or forbids, the good respect its injunctions, and the wicked treat them with indifference. This law cannot be contradicted by any other law, and is not liable either to derogation or abrogation.


"This Is A Full-Blown Scandal: It’s Unbelievable, Outrageous" - Comptroller Demands Heads Roll At Wells

Wells Fargo is in boiling hot water. Again.

One day after the NYT reported the latest major scandal involving Warren Buffett's favorite bank, in which the bank was busted less than a year after its miss-selling fraud cost the former CEO his job, revealing that the bank charged some 800,000 customers for auto insurance they did not need (with some still paying for it), the demands for resignation have arrived.

Have You a Positive Personal Practice? (Part Two)

Have You a Positive Personal Practice? (Part Two)

Have You a Positive Personal Practice? (Part Two)


Cognitive Dissonance



My apologies for how tardy Part Two of this article is. It is now mid summer and the garden has begun to produce prolifically. Which means we have begun to can almost as prolifically. Plus I have taken on several outside jobs for friends of several week's duration to put some fiat in the wallet and this has taken some precedence over my writing.

Russia Retaliates: Orders U.S. To Cut Diplomatic Staff, Seizes Two Compounds

Russia Retaliates: Orders U.S. To Cut Diplomatic Staff, Seizes Two Compounds

Just hours after the Senate overwhelmingly voted to enforce further sanctions against (mostly) Russia, North Korea and Iran, while binding Trump from undoing any measures against Moscow without Congressional approval, in the process infuriating not only the Kremlin but America's European allies, with Brussels warning repeatedly it will have no choice but to respond in kind, on Friday morning Russia’s Foreign Ministry ordered the United States to cut its diplomatic staff to 455 by Sept.
