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Iran Rejects Trump's Warning; Foreign Minister Slams "Saudis Involvement In 94% Of Terrorist Attacks In The World"

Iran Rejects Trump's Warning; Foreign Minister Slams "Saudis Involvement In 94% Of Terrorist Attacks In The World"

The US president warned that Iran would face ‘new and serious consequences’ if the detained Americans were not released.

But now, as MiddleEastEye reports, Iran demanded on Saturday that the United States release Iranians detained there, a day after US President Donald Trump called on the Islamic Republic to release three US citizens.

Trump’s Appointees Worse Than Obama’s

Trump’s Appointees Worse Than Obama’s

I didn’t think it possible to assemble a less competent and more vicious government than Obama assembled, but Trump has succeeded in doing so. Stephen Lendman takes to
task the moron Trump appointed as CIA director.

Neocon CIA Director Pompeo’s Venom

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

The agency operates unaccountably, its diabolical agenda incompatible with democratic values and rule of law principles.

David Stockman Has Had Enough: "Brennan, Rice, Power - Lock Them All Up!"

Authored by David Stockman via,

We frequently hear people say they have nothing to hide - so surrendering privacy and constitutional rights to the Surveillance State may not be such a big deal if it helps catch a terrorist or two. But with each passing day in the RussiaGate drama we are learning that this superficial exoneration is dangerously beside the point.
