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The Non-Issue of Trump Jr.’s Emails

Stephen Lendman sums up the latest fake news

The Non-Issue of Trump Jr.’s Emails

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Anything about Russia, Trump, his family and team consistently is overblown, misrepresented and lied about by what he justifiably calls the “dishonest media.” Indeed!!

Trump Jr.’s meeting and email correspondence with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya amounted to much ado about nothing.

Of Russia Baiters And Putin Haters

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

“Is Russia an enemy of the United States?” NBC’s Kasie Hunt demanded of Ted Cruz. Replied the runner-up for the GOP nomination, “Russia is a significant adversary. Putin is a KGB thug.”

To Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine, the revelation that Donald Trump Jr., entertained an offer from the Russians for dirt on Clinton could be considered “treason.”

Treason is giving aid and comfort to an enemy in a time of war.
