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Meet The Next Trump-Russia Narrative: The "Jared Kushner-Run Digital Operation"

After the Trump Jr. "bombshell" thoroughly runs it's course, which, based on what we know right now, seems inevitable given that the entire premise of the meeting looks increasingly like "inane nonsense" (see: How Hermitage Capital, Ziff Brothers And The Clinton Global Initiative Prompted The Trump Jr. Meeting), the mainstream media will need a new Trump-Russia narrative to fill their airtime.  Barring any new revelations from anonymous sources, as McClatchy points out, that new narrative could very well be focused on Trump's "Jared Kushner-run digital operation."

Sen. Graham to Future Director of the FBI: "Is Russia Our Friend or Our Enemy?"


Content originally published at

If I were a republican, this Senator Graham fellow would drive me nuts. Here he is accosting the future director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, repeatedly trying to get him to say negative things about Don Trump Jr. and then segueing that into a juvenile conclusion by trying to get the new FBI director to call Russia 'an enemy' of America for disrupting our MUH elections.

All jokes aside, men like this will get us all killed.

"Is Russia our friend or our enemy?"
