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Albert Edwards: "Something Smells Different This Time"

Albert Edwards: "Something Smells Different This Time"

In his latest note, SocGen's permaskeptic Albert Edwards looks back 20 years in time to the Asian Crisis, and makes an interesting observations: nothing has really changed. In fact, as he explains, the events over the past 2 decades have been a "linear progression of the monetary madness that followed the 1997 Asian", and all thanks to central bankers who used the crisis as a springboard for ever more drastic monetary interventions, resulting in one bubble after another, culminating with the current state of the world, to wit:

Trump Plans "Pretty Severe Things" In Retaliation Against North Korea

After praising Poland’s conservative ruling party during his visit to Warsaw on Thursday, President Trump quickly shifted his focus back to the escalating missile crisis in North Korea, saying that he is contemplating “some pretty severe things” to retaliate against Kim Jong Un after he tested an ICBM on America's independence day, capable of reaching US territory.

“I have some pretty severe things we’re thinking about," Trump said at a news conference in Warsaw. "Doesn’t mean we’re going to do them. I don’t draw red lines."

"Our Leaders Should Shut Up" - Time For The US To Modernize Its Approach To Russia

"Our Leaders Should Shut Up" - Time For The US To Modernize Its Approach To Russia

Authored by James Durso via,

The Cold War was never won or lost; it just ended one day. Who even remembers where they were on December 3, 1989? 

As the Cold War ended, the U.S. forswore a demand for unconditional surrender, thanked God it was over, and thought about how to spend the peace dividend. The message Russia took away was: We didn’t lose.

Malls Swap Retailers For Gyms And Restaurants In Last-Ditch Bid For Survival

Malls Swap Retailers For Gyms And Restaurants In Last-Ditch Bid For Survival

With a record 8,640 retail stores expected to close in 2017, American malls are desperate to draw in customers as America’s retail apocalypse leaves them littered with empty store fronts. Now, some are experimenting with a model that worked for some movie theaters: Invest in restaurants and popular amenities like rock-climbing walls to sell customers a better shopping "experience."
