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How America Armed Terrorists In Syria

Authored by Gareth Porter via,

Three-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, has proposed legislation that would prohibit any U.S. assistance to terrorist organizations in Syria as well as to any organization working directly with them. Equally important, it would prohibit U.S. military sales and other forms of military cooperation with other countries that provide arms or financing to those terrorists and their collaborators.

Jim Grant Explains The Gold Standard

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Earlier this month in the Wall Street JournalJames Grant explored the latest academic attack on the gold standard — this time in the form of One Nation Under Gold by financial journalist James Ledbetter.

Not that the establishment economics profession needs another book trashing gold. Among the university- and government-employed PhDs who hand down their wisdom about economics from on high, few have anything but disdain for the yellow metal. 

New Polls Suggest the People of the World Hate Trump -- IMPEACH THE ORANGE ORB NOW!!!

New Polls Suggest the People of the World Hate Trump -- IMPEACH THE ORANGE ORB NOW!!!

Enough of this charade. The people of the world have spoken, and just 22% of asked by Pew Research have confidence in President Trump -- down from Obama's stellar 64%. More than that, the only two nations in the world where Trump was more popular than Obama was Russia (shocker!) and Israel.

Why doesn't Trump move to Jerusalem and become President there? He seems to love that wall so much -- plus he'd be closer to his friends in Russia.

He loves walls.
