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McDonalds To Hire 250,000 This Summer Via SnapChat, Spotify And Hulu

McDonalds To Hire 250,000 This Summer Via SnapChat, Spotify And Hulu

And just like that, the term Snaplicant was born, when moments ago McDonalds - which appears to have run out of "qualified" line cook and fast food job candidates (as our latest overview of the restaurant industry showed) - announced that it hopes to hire a quarter million workers this summer, of which more than half are projected to be between the ages of 16 – 24 years old, and to aid the hiring effort of these workers, for many of whom this will be their first job, MCD will use Snapchat. Hence the bolded term.

We've Lost All Sense Of The Common Good

We've Lost All Sense Of The Common Good

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The only way to rebuild a Common Good is to radically decentralize political, financial and media concentrations of ownership and power.

The theory of American civics is that the competitive process of every group advocating for its narrow self-interests will magically generate the Common Good, that is, a political and social order that serves everyone's common/shared interests.

Iran Claims To Have Proof Of "Direct US Support" For ISIS

Iran Claims To Have Proof Of "Direct US Support" For ISIS

Days after Trump issued a characteristically undiplomatic statement on last week's s terrorist attack in Iran by ISIS which killed 17 people and which the US president accused Tehran of basically provoking by stating that "states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote", which prompted Iran to slam the "repugnant WH statement... as Iranians counter terror backed by US clients....

In Her First Interview, Chelsea Manning Explains Why She Went To Prison For You

In Her First Interview, Chelsea Manning Explains Why She Went To Prison For You

Authored by Andrea Germanos via,

In her first interview since being released from prison, whistleblower said she felt “responsibility to the public.”

US Chelsea Manning has given her first interview since being released from prison last month in which she explains her motivations for making public thousands of military documents.

Excerpts of her interview with ABC‘s “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang aired Friday on the network’s “Good Morning America.”
