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Putin: "Russian Meddling Is A Fiction Democrats Invented To Divert Blame For Their Defeat"

With McCarthyism 2.0 continues to run amok in the US, spread like a virulent plague by unnamed, unknown, even fabricated sources, over in France one day after his first meeting with French president Emanuel Macron, the man who supposedly colluded with and was Trump's pre-election puppet master (but had to wait until after the election to set up back-channels with Jared Kushner) Vladimir Putin sat down for an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro in which the Russian president expressed the belief that Moscow and Western capitals “all want security, peace, safety and cooperation

"I'm Sorry, I Went Too Far" - Kathy Griffin Apologizes For Video Of Beheaded Trump

Having been destroyed by the left (Chelsea Clinton: "vile and wrong"), the right (Trump Jr.: "Disgusting but not surprising"), and everyone in between ("you're a terrorist and an enemy of the state. She needs to be treated as such.") it seems 'comic' Kathy Griffin (most famous for presenting the New Year's Eve countdown) has decided to apologize for her video where she is seen holding the head of the president, which is slathered in fake blood.

And the response was not what she hoped for... (via DailyMail)

The Middle Class Is Now The Company Store Class

America’s Best Economist Tells It Like It Is

The Middle Class Is Now The Company Store Class

Michael Hudson

Students usually don’t think of themselves as a class. They seem “pre-class,” because they have not yet entered the labor force. They can only hope to become part of the middle class after they graduate. And that means becoming a wage earner – what impolitely is called the working class.

CNN: Russians Had Derogatory Intel on Trump and Wanted to Leverage It

CNN: Russians Had Derogatory Intel on Trump and Wanted to Leverage It

Content originally published at

I can tell you with 100% certainty this is fake news. Not only is it fake news, it's completely fabricated out of thin air.

The Russian lies keep getting denser and denser. The longer we travel across this cobbled road paved by submental idiots, the more flat tires the main stream meteor receives.

Goebbels once said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Do you agree? I do.
