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Six Terrifying Graphs That Simplistically Summarize America's Public Pension Crisis

Six Terrifying Graphs That Simplistically Summarize America's Public Pension Crisis

A new report from the Hoover Institution written by Senior Fellow Joshua Rauh and entitled "Hidden Debt, Hidden Deficits: How Pension Promises Are Consuming State And Local Budgets," does a masterful job illustrating the true severity of America's public pension crisis, a topic to which we've dedicated a substantial amount of time over the past couple of years. 

Fed Warns "Vulnerabilities" From Elevated Asset Valuations "Pose Risks To Financial Stability"

Fed Warns "Vulnerabilities" From Elevated Asset Valuations "Pose Risks To Financial Stability"

In today's FOMC Minutes, Fed member issued yet another explicit warning to America's investing public (before they pull the pin on the balance sheet normalization) about asset valuations beiung "vulnerable" and also piling on once again that commercial real estate values were "elevated."


Of course, traders don't care and have bid stocks to the highs of the day.

The Fed's explicit warning that "vulnerabilities have increased for asset valuation pressures."

JFK at 100 — Paul Craig Roberts

JFK at 100

Paul Craig Roberts

This Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017, is the 100th birthday of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, as he approached the end of his third year in office. Researchers who spent years studying the evidence have concluded that President Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy between the CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secret Service.

Don’t End the Fed, Ignore the Fed: How to Distance Yourself From a Collapse

Via The Daily Bell

I like mom and pop family owned restaurants, and local craft breweries, two businesses that are currently doing great in America.

Giant corporations, on the other hand, are legally bound to the government, which causes most of the corruption in the corporate and government world. They end up taking advantage of people and bludgeoning their competitors using the government.
