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The US Is Now The Ultimate Police State

The US Is Now The Ultimate Police State

The US is without any doubt now the worst police state, not only in reality exceeding Gestapo Nazi Germany, but exceeding the human imagination of George Orwell and other authors of dystopias.

And this utterly corrupt criminal police state gets away with pretending to be the “defender of democracy and freedom.” The insouciant American population has no clue.

Freedom of speech is dead in America as are all other freedoms.

US, UK Both Drop In Latest 'World Press Freedom Index' Rankings

US, UK Both Drop In Latest 'World Press Freedom Index' Rankings

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Reporters without Borders just published its annual World Press Freedom Index rankings, and the results for both the U.S. and UK are not impressive. Both countries declined two spots from last year, with the UK at 41, and the greatest and most free nation on earth, America, down to 43.

Here’s The Guardian reporting on the UK’s decline:

Visualizing The Epic Collapse Of Obamacare

Visualizing The Epic Collapse Of Obamacare

Back in the summer of 2016, as Obamacare rates were being set for the 2017 plan year, we repeatedly argued that the entire system was on the "verge of collapse" as premiums were soaring, risk pools were deteriorating and insurers were pulling out of exchanges all around the country leaving many Americans with just a single 'option' for health insurance (see "Obamacare On "Verge Of Collapse" As Premiums Set To Soar Again In 2017").

America's Opioid Death Crisis May Be A Lot Worse Than We Thought

America's Opioid Death Crisis May Be A Lot Worse Than We Thought

Authored by Carey Wedler via,

America’s ongoing opioid crisis is no secret. With thousands dying from prescription painkiller overdoses each year — nearly as many as traffic deaths — even the U.S. government has been forced to take action. As awareness of the epidemic continues to grow, further hazards of the pharmaceutical class of drugs are being revealed — including potentially higher numbers of deaths caused by their use.
