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Citizen Militia Experiences Explosive Growth Following The Last Election

Citizen Militia Experiences Explosive Growth Following The Last Election

Submitted by Daniel Lang via,

Until the 1990’s, civilian run volunteer militias weren’t all that common in the United States. They were the fringe of the fringe in our culture. But after Waco and Ruby Ridge, their ranks swelled and they became a common subject in the news and in pop culture.

Their numbers fell again under President Bush, and then grew to new heights under President Obama.

Intellectual Intolerance - Stunning Speech From Stanford University Provost Exposes "The Threat From Within"

Intellectual Intolerance - Stunning Speech From Stanford University Provost Exposes "The Threat From Within"

In a remarkable - for its honesty and frankness - statement on the intellectual rot within America's Ivory Towers, Stanford University Provost John Etchemendy lay bare the challenges that higher education face in the coming, increasingly divisive, years.

The Threat From Within

Storm Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ To Strike California

The mother of all storms is set to hit California in the near future, with large sections of the State at risk of severe flooding, according to the National Weather Service. According to scientists, the recent bout of storms across the West coast of America are just a precursor to a much bigger storm that will be of “biblical proportions” compared to recent weather. Recent research has shown that every 200 years for the past 2,000 years or more, California has experienced massive floods that have swept through the state causing thousands of deaths.

Treasury To Run Out Of Cash By June – Riots Expected

A former White House Budget Director has warned that the U.S. Treasury could run out of money by June 2017, sparking riots and civil unrest across America.  According to an interview with David Stockman, a controversial deal made between former Speaker of the House John Boehner and former President Barack Obama in 2015, will result in the “mother of all debt ceiling crises,” by the summer of 2017 which will see a giant “fiscal bloodbath” for Americans. “I think what people are missing is this date, March 15th 2017.
