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Roughly Half Of All Illegal Immigrants Live In these 10 Metro Areas

Roughly Half Of All Illegal Immigrants Live In these 10 Metro Areas

As Trump getsset to ramp up pressure on so-called "sanctuary cities", and sanctuary states in the case of California, here is a look at where the majority of illegal immigrants in the United States are currently residing.  Per data from the Pew Research Center, approximately 60% of all illegal immigrants live in just 20 metropolitan areas across the country. 

Midwest Farm Bubble Continues Collapse As Farm Incomes Expected To Crash In 2017

Midwest Farm Bubble Continues Collapse As Farm Incomes Expected To Crash In 2017

Earlier this week the U.S Department of Agriculture released its biannual report of farm incomes which paints a very bleak picture for the American farmer.  In its first forecast for 2017, the USDA sees real farm cash receipts down 14% versus 2015 and 36% from the previous high set in 2012 as farm debt continues to soar and leverage surges to all-time highs. 

Is Trump Up To Something ‘Big’ In Asia Pacific?

President Trump may be up to something “big” in the Asia Pacific region while he distracts the public with his Tweets. Russian political commentator Dmitri Kosyrev suggests that Defense Secretary’s James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis’ visits to South Korea and Japan are prelude to Trump revealing a “big” foreign policy strategy that is mainly geared toward China and trade. Sputnik reports: It appears that US President Donald Trump is up to planning a “big game” in Asia-Pacific, Rossiya Segodyna political commentator Dmitri Kosyrev believes.

Tax Relief is Coming: These Companies Stand to Benefit the Most

Tax Relief is Coming: These Companies Stand to Benefit the Most

Does it make sense to any of you that Obama kept American tax rates at 35% during his administration, all the while burdening business with heavy regulatory fees, in spite of the fact that he presided over an economy that failed to break the 3%+ growth GDP for the first time in America history?

If I was a conspiratorial type, I'd suspect he was trying to hamper the economy on purpose.
