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Media Turning On Itself: USAToday's Wolff Slams CNN's Stelter As "Ridiculous, Self-Righteous Figure"

Amid the ever-increasing virtue-signaling fanaticism of the mainstream media in their incessant anti-Trump (so-called 'fact-checking') propaganda, it appears the infighting has begun. As The Hill reports, USA Today and Hollywood Reporter columnist Michael Wolff slammed CNN's Brian Stelter on his media affairs program Sunday, telling the host he was becoming "quite a ridiculous figure."

ClimateGate 2 - NOAA Whistleblower Claims World Leaders Fooled By Fake Global Warming Data

ClimateGate 2 - NOAA Whistleblower Claims World Leaders Fooled By Fake Global Warming Data

Dr John Bates' disclosures about the manipulation of data behind the so-called 'Pausebuster' paper is the biggest scientific scandal since 'Climategate' in 2009 when, as Britain's Daily Mail reported, thousands of leaked emails revealed scientists were trying to block access to data, and using a 'trick' to conceal embarrassing flaws in their claims about global warming.

GOP Congressman Gets Police Escort After Town Hall Turns Angry Over Obamacare Repeal

In a pushback against Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, on Saturday California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock was forced to request a police escort after his efforts to defend his party’s Obamacare plans before a packed auditorium fell short and almost turned violent. Hundreds of people showed up for the town hall meeting, and McClintock's staff told him the situation was deteriorating, according to the LA Times.

Iran To Name US Individuals Helping Regional Terrorist Groups

Iran is set to to expose names of individuals and entities in the United States that were responsible for “helping and founding” terrorist groups. The announcement came after US Treasury Department published a list of 13 Iranian individuals and 12 Iranian entities that would face new restrictions following Iran’s recent ballistic missile test. Tehran retaliated to the US sanctions on Friday by saying it would impose legal restrictions on American individuals and entities that were responsible for helping regional terrorist groups.

Deplorable? Obama Sent $27 Billion Taxpayer Money To Fund Sanctuary Cities In 2016

Submitted by Adam Andrzejewski via,

In the President Donald Trump-era, there could be a high-cost to running a sanctuary city...

On January 25, 2017, the President issued an Executive Order denying federal funding to sanctuary cities who choose not to comply with federal laws regarding deportation of illegal entrants.

Reaction to the new policy from across the political spectrum was immediate. However, the politicians, pundits and journalists admitted that the total amount of federal funding was undetermined.
