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Oops! CNN Accidentally Airs Press Conference With Detained Iraqi Traveler Who Likes Trump - ABC News Edits Out

Oops! CNN Accidentally Airs Press Conference With Detained Iraqi Traveler Who Likes Trump - ABC News Edits Out

Scores of irate liberals organized in part by CAIR (considered a terrorist organization in the UAE), descended upon airports around the country on Saturday to protest Donald Trump's 120 day ban on refugees from 6 "nations of concern" and a permanent ban on Syrians until further notice. Of note, the countries on the list were originally identified under Obama by the Department of Homeland Security under the "Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015."

Congress Order FBI To Hand Over Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

Congress have ordered the FBI to hand over the contents of Hillary Clinton’s email server so that they can conduct an investigation into possible criminal activity.  The House Oversight Committee requested that FBI Director James Comey give them Datto Company’s secure cloud storage which contains the Hillary’s server contents. reports: Datto, Inc. informed Congress in October 2015 it provided the FBI with the storage node of containing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Paul Craig Roberts: "Bannon Is 100% Right - The Media Is Now The Opposition"

Paul Craig Roberts: "Bannon Is 100% Right - The Media Is Now The Opposition"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Bannon is correct that the US media - indeed, the entire Western print and TV media - is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth.


The Trap Is Set: "Both Sides Are Utterly Unprepared For What's Coming"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

If there’s one thing that should be absolutely clear in the current political environment in America, it’s that  there exists a deep division between the people of this nation. Both of sides of the aisle argue vehemently about what’s best going forward, sometimes to the point of physical violence. And though the election of President Donald Trump speaks volumes about the sentiment of Americans, the following video report from Storm Clouds Gathering warns that both sides are utterly unprepared for what’s coming.

The One Chart That America's Corporate Elite Don't Want You To See

The One Chart That America's Corporate Elite Don't Want You To See

The message from America's ruling elite is, as always - "do as I say, not as I do" - and nowhere is that more evident in the following chart. Simply put, follow the money!

As we detailed last week, as US financial stocks have soared in the post-election Trumphoria, so bankers have been dumping over $100 million in personal stock holdings...

