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Congress Order FBI To Hand Over Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

Congress have ordered the FBI to hand over the contents of Hillary Clinton’s email server so that they can conduct an investigation into possible criminal activity.  The House Oversight Committee requested that FBI Director James Comey give them Datto Company’s secure cloud storage which contains the Hillary’s server contents. reports: Datto, Inc. informed Congress in October 2015 it provided the FBI with the storage node of containing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server. Today the House Oversight Committee demanded that FBI hand over the emails they have been holding for over a year now. The investigation into Hillary Clinton’s lawless and reckless behavior is not over yet. The Daily Mail reported on Datto, Inc. in June 2016. Hillary Clinton’s emails packed with America’s secrets were stored by company ‘wide open to hackers’ and run by ‘morons’ whistleblowers reveal. A Daily Mail Online investigation has found that a second firm – hired to store a back-up of Clinton’s secret server – was so lax in its security employees failed to change passwords frequently and left computers logged in, unattended for extended periods and its own clients stumbled upon other clients data. Datto Inc, the company in question, was hired to store [...]

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