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Asian Media Warns Of Conflict, Economic Turmoil Under "Trump World Order"

Asian Media Warns Of Conflict, Economic Turmoil Under "Trump World Order"

Following German media's outcry that "the demons have been unchained", Asian media decried President Trump's isolationist policies, fearing they will chill the global economy and sow widespread international discord, as "the reality show has become reality," warning the world was now in "unpredictable territory... spreading unease, division, and conflict throughout the world."

While perhaps not as entirely hysterical as German media's 'opinion'...

America's Real 'Division' (Summarized In 100 Seconds)

According to the mainstream media, Trump's a divisive fascist; Trump supporters are violent, misogynist bigots; but anti-Trump 'protestors' are saving America from its racist self, and "love trumps hate." Watch the following 100 seconds and decide for yourself...

A Trump supporter puts out a fire started by others, and calls for peace... Is swiftly punched in the face by anti-Trump 'protesters'.

h/t Paul Joseph Watson

German Press: "That Was No Presidential Speech; That Was A Declaration Of War"

Following yesterday's openly confrontational, deliberately protectionist presidential address by president Trump, which in various circles has been dubbed the "American carnage" speech for obvious reasons, some of Obama's closest foreign friends are scrambling to find a role in a world that has drastically changed in less than 24 hours.
