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S&P Futures, Dollar Rise As World Awaits Trump Inauguration Speech

S&P Futures, Dollar Rise As World Awaits Trump Inauguration Speech

Global shares were mixed, equity futures, the dollar and crude rose as investors focused their attention on today's inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. While the early tone is well bid, some traders anticipate a volatile session, with speculation that a bout of "sell the inauguration" could cap the aging Trump rally, which started with his inauguration.

Are NATO Members Paying Their Fair Share? (Spoiler Alert: No!)

Are NATO Members Paying Their Fair Share? (Spoiler Alert: No!)

Donald Trump is right to say America’s NATO allies aren’t paying their fair share. As Bloomberg notes, the alliance expects its members to spend 2% of GDP on defense; but it’s no secret that most of them don’t...


Having reaffirmed his skepticism about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and his readiness to make deals with Russia, in European media interviews published last weekend, President Trump leaves European leaders wondering whether they can still rely on the American security umbrella.

Here Were the Biggest Winners and Losers During Obama's Reign of Terror

At the end of the Bush administration, I hated the republicans. George was such a fucking idiot, alongside the tea party retards. I viewed Obama as a welcomed respite. In hindsight, I probably voted for Obama to prove that I wasn't some sort of redneck racist.

The Obama administration was very good for stocks -- maybe the best ever. But at what cost?

Trump Versus The CIA

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

When I read Trump’s defenders, such as Daniel Lazare, having to balance their defense with denunciations of Trump, I think the CIA’s propaganda is working. In his article, Lazare asks the rhetorical question, “Is a military coup in the works?” He then goes on to describe the CIA and presstitute coup against Trump unfolding before our eyes. 
