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Senate Takes First Step To Repeal Obamacare With 51-48 Vote

Senate Takes First Step To Repeal Obamacare With 51-48 Vote

Early on Thursday morning, in a 51-48 vote, the Senate took the first concrete step toward dismantling Obamacare, when it voted to instruct key committees to draft legislation repealing Barack Obama's signature health insurance program. Republicans needed a simple majority to clear the repeal rules, instructing committees to begin drafting repeal legislation, through the upper chamber, with the vote falling largely along party lines.

Land Of The Free? Michigan Man Issued Parking Ticket In His Own Driveway

Submitted by Simon Black via,

The state of Michigan is not exactly known for its balmy weather this time of year.

And residents reasonably do what they have to do to cope with often extreme winter temperatures.

Last Thursday a man named Taylor Trupiano of Roseville, Michigan did what a lot of people do in cold climates.

He walked out of his house, started his car, turned on the heat, and went back inside for a few minutes while his engine and vehicle interior warmed up.

Arrest Of Russian Hacker Calls Attention To Unfinished Business In Prague

Submitted by James Durso via,

Yevgeniy Nikulin, a Russian hacker wanted in the U.S. for hacking private firms, was arrested in Prague last October. The U.S. has requested his extradition, suspecting he has information on Russian government hacking.  With Russian hackers so much in the news, there will be close attention to this case, but Prague denied an extradition request last year, causing serious damage to American interests.
