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South Korea Appoints ‘Twitter Officer’ To Keep Up With Trump’s Tweets

President-elect Donald Trump is not only bringing jobs back to America, he is also creating new jobs overseas — South Korea’s government has hired an officer to exclusively monitor U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Twitter account. The country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is particularly interested in tweets relating to Korea and northeast Asia, according to the JoongAng Daily. The officer assigned to the new role will have the job of keeping a close eye on Trump’s hyperactive social media account for foreign policy insights.

Who Does America Believe? 84,000 Votes Later, Here Is The Answer

Earlier in the week, president-elect Donald Trump tweeted that:

"It is for the American people to make up their minds as to the truth."

And now we have the answer.

When CNBC's Podesta-panderer and Trump-denier John Harwood asked the question yesterday "who do you believe America?" we suspect he was not expecting the answer he received from over 84,000 American citizens...

Russians Mock, Ridicule Charge They Helped Trump Win

Russians Mock, Ridicule Charge They Helped Trump Win

If the US "intelligence services" were worried about Russian trolls, a phrase appearing 6 times in the joint report which concluded - without presenting any evidence - that Russia’s "undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrated Secretary Clinton, and harmed her electability and potential presidency" and that the "Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump", it may have an entire nation of trolls at its hands now.

How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

Submitted by Rania Khalek via,

The Syrian government - a dictatorship known for imprisoning, torturing and disappearing dissidents - is easy to vilify. And over the last five years of Syria’s civil war, it has committed its share of atrocities. But there is more than one side to every story, and US media coverage has mainly reflected one side—that of the rebels—without regard for accuracy or basic context.

Trump Says 'Stupid People or Fools' Want Bad Relations with Russia and Triggers Trolls in the Process

In light of the absurd and ridiculous 'DECLASSIFIED' report on Russian hacking, which demonstrated (wait for it) that Russian news agencies painted Hillary Clinton in a negative light as one of their chief arguments, Donald Trump is out trolling his detractors in a most hilarious way by suggesting having good relations with the only other nuclear super power in the world was preferable.
