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The Fourth-Generation War

Submitted by David Galland via,

For most people, the term “4GW” will conjure visions of a new and improved data service for their mobile devices. For members of the military and intelligence community, 4GW means something entirely different: Fourth-Generation Warfare, a form of warfare where the lines between civilians and combatants, political and military goals, and even the weapons to be used in fighting the war are blurred.

Smudged to the point where even identifying the warring parties is difficult.

"Depressed" Millennials Are Convinced The Trump Economy Is Going To Implode

"Depressed" Millennials Are Convinced The Trump Economy Is Going To Implode

When asked about the economic outlook for America, millennials were the only generation to predict 2017 would be worse than 2016. As Bloomberg reports, the feeling of impending doom wasn't exclusively reserved for 2017: about a third of millennials surveyed said they don't think they'll have enough money to comfortably retire at all.

While the new year marks a fresh start for many, millennials aren't so optimistic.

In fact, this generation is the only one to say they're feeling worse, financially, about 2017 than 2016.

A Case Study in the Creation of False News — Paul Craig Roberts

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

Paul Craig Roberts

For many weeks we have witnessed the extraordinary attack by the CIA and its assets in Congress and the media on Donald Trump’s election. In an unprecedented effort to delegitimize Trump’s election as the product of Russian interference in the election, the CIA, media, senators and representatives have consistently made wild accusations for which they have no evidence. The CIA’s message to Trump is clear: Get in line with our agenda, or we are going to mess you over.

How The US Could Win A Trade War With China

Submitted by Valentin Schmid vai The Epoch Times,

President-elect Donald Trump talks tough on China and has appointed trade hawks Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro to key positions in his administration. He has threatened to slap a blanket tariff on Chinese goods, and he has spoken directly to Taiwan’s president, something previously regarded as a major diplomatic offense.

According to “Road to Ruin” author James Rickards, this is Trump’s way of opening the negotiations with China to reach a mutually beneficial trade relationship.
