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Gingrich Warns Biggest Risk For Trump Admin Is They "Lose Their Nerve"

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, once considered a front runner for a senior position in the Trump administration, continues to take jabs at the President-elect.  After being forced to apologize a few weeks back for saying that Trump no longer wishes to "Drain The Swamp" in Washington D.C., Gingrich is back with new controversial comments suggesting, yet again, that the Trump administration may ultimately cave to the demands of the far left.  Per ABC News:

New Year, Same Sh!t: Krugman Loses It, Fears "Era Of Epic Corruption" Ahead In 'Trumpistan'

In a time of great change; upheaval of norms and establishment status quo dissolution, there is one steadfast member of the elite that the world can rely on to never change - no matter how the facts around him do. Nobel-prize-winner Paul Krugman has begun the year as he ended the last, with a New York Times' op-ed exclaiming that "America has become a 'Stan'."
