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Russian Hackers Said To "Penetrate US Electricity Grid" Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware

Russian Hackers Said To "Penetrate US Electricity Grid" Using Outdated Ukrainian Malware

Two days after the DHS and FBI released a report revealing what the US agencies alleged was the government-controlled Russian operation behind the "hacking of the US election" which they dubbed "Grizzly Steppe", and which had a peculiar disclaimer according to which nothing contained in the report should be taken at face value or was even credible after the DHS said it "does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within"...

Eric Zuesse: America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

Submitted by investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  hey’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

The U.S. government’s plan to conquer Russia is based upon a belief in, and the fundamental plan to establish, “Nuclear Primacy” against Russia — an American ability to win a nuclear war against, and so conquer, Russia.

Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

It is clear enough who is the real leader of the world. That person is not in the White House.

Putin’s Response to Obama’s New Sanctions

by Stephen Lendman

Both leaders are polar opposites – a mensch in Moscow on the right side of history compared to a US menace in Washington waging war on humanity. [Mensch means a person of dignity and honor. See: ]

Obama Uses Final Weeks To Aggressively "Box In" Trump's Administration

Not liking the outcome of the 2016 election, President Obama has apparently made the decision to use his final days in office to do everything possible to "box in" and undermine President-elect Trump.  The latest actions, of course, revolve around sanctions on several Russian entities and the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats for "hacking" the election.  Unfortunately, that move seemingly backfired this morning when Putin announced that he "will not sink to the level of [Obama's] 'kitchen' diplomacy"...apparently "when the Obama's go low, Putin goes
