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HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

In yet another "exit interview" earlier this week with David Axelrod, Obama took the opportunity to remind us once again just how awesome he is.  In doing so, he noted that he was "confident" he could have beaten Trump in 2016 and implied that Hillary lost, not because of his failures in the White House, but because she was lazy, complacent, boring and arrogant...although his word choice was way less direct and more on the passive aggressive side.

Trump Announces Sprint Bringing 5,000 Jobs Back To US, Says UN Might Be "Waste Of Time & Money"

Having thanked himself for record high stocks, soaring spending, and spiking confidence, President-elect Donald Trump will be making a "positive" announcement on economic development Wednesday afternoon, according to transition aides.

Aides did not provide further details, but spokesman and future White House press secretary Sean Spicer intimated to reporters that the news will be about American jobs.


History Shows How Rare and Valuable Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press Are

The Founding Fathers protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press as the most important liberties.

They are protected in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  And as discussed below, the Founders recognized that the ability to speak freely was the foundation for all other freedoms.

Thousands of years of history shows how rare and valuable such freedoms really are …


Socrates was killed in 399 BC for “failing to acknowledge the gods that the [government] acknowledges”.

Using the Printing Press

What is Henry Kissinger Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

What is Henry Kissinger Up To?

Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”
