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Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Law Before He Leaves Office

Barack Obama is making a desperate final attempt to push through a strict anti-gun law before he leaves office in January.  Just one week before Christmas the outgoing President sent the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty to the US Senate to be ratified. reports: It’s sure to be dead on arrival because of the Senate’s stand against the ATT, but he is just demonstrating his utter contempt for America, the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

Duterte: "I Will Burn Down The United Nations"

The United Nations is making a lot of enemies.

Yesterday, when the Obama administration refused to veto a UN vote over Isreal settlements, one which provoked Israel to lash out at the Obama administration saying "friends don't act that way", but more importantly defied Trump who in a previous tweet urged Obama to veto the resolution, the President-elect had one message, or rather tweet, to the UN:

Trump 'Triggers' Social Media Over Democrat-Bashing Putin Tweet

President-elect Donald Trump 'triggered' the social media world into a frenzy Friday night with a tweet that praised Russian president Vladimir Putin's criticism of Democrats. As The Hill reports, Putin on Friday deflected accusations of Russian interference in the U.S. election, saying at a press conference: "Democrats are losing on every front and looking for people to blame everywhere. They need to learn to lose with dignity."

Later Friday, Trump piled on, lauding Putin and continuing his denial that Russia interfered in the election.
