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Saddam Hussein's CIA Interrogator Admits Being Convinced He Should Have Been Left In Power

Saddam Hussein's CIA Interrogator Admits Being Convinced He Should Have Been Left In Power

In a new book due to hit shelves later this month, John Nixon, a former CIA officer who was responsible for interrogating Saddam Hussein after he was captured in 2003, admits being convinced by the fallen dictator that he was best suited to rule Iraq.  Per an excerpt published in Time Magazine, Nixon recalls an encounter with Hussein in which he warned that America would fail in Iraq because "you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind."

Will Trump Lower the Cost of Speaking the Truth?

Will Trump Lower the Cost of Speaking the Truth?

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Donors:

Thank you for your committment to this website. You have kept your side of our agreement, and I will keep my side.

This is truly your website. It is here because of you.

I am fortunate that I grew up during a time when, despite the lies and disinformation, both private greed and government were checked by a sometimes honest media and an alert population. The power of the people’s votes had not yet been eclipsed by the power of campaign contributions.

How Is Martin Sheen Any Different Than Vladimir Putin?

Submitted by Simon Black via,

One of the quirks about being an expat in a faraway land is that, whenever something unusual happens in your home country, your local friends look to YOU for answers.

You become, by default, the de facto expert of your home country’s nuances.

Case in point: this weekend we had an intercompany Christmas party down here at the farm for two of the businesses that I run.
