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Happy Bill of Rights Day … Are There Any Left?

Happy Bill of Rights Day … Are There Any Left?

Today is Bill of Rights Day in America.

Happy Bill of Rights Day!

This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right.

Painting by Anthony Freda:

First Amendment

The 1st Amendment protects speech, religion, assembly and the press:

PropOrNot All-Star Organizers: Koch, Soros, CIA, MI6, Ukraine, All Together Now

Via The Daily Bell  

PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation … On November 24, The Washington Post published a story citing the anonymous group PropOrNot. The story accused the Russians of building a large propaganda operation that worked to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect “insurgent candidate” Donald Trump. It claimed a large number of alternative news websites are acting as Russian agents, dupes, and useful idiots.  – BoilingFrogs/Rockwell

"You Haven't Succeeded Once": State Department Slammed By AP Reporter Over Failure In Syria

The battle for Aleppo is over, and Assad has won, with AP quoting the Syrian leader that "history is being made with the defeat" of the insurgents contained in the city.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday the events taking place in the city of Aleppo are a historic moment, and said the world will be different after what he called the "liberation of Aleppo".
