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Gallup CEO Warns: "America Inc.'s Running On Empty...And It's Too Big To Turn Around"

Gallup CEO Warns: "America Inc.'s Running On Empty...And It's Too Big To Turn Around"

The U.S. Council on Competitiveness asked Gallup to conduct, pro bono, a comprehensive study of U.S. growth and productivity for the Council's 30th anniversary.

Chairman Jim Clifton enthusiastically said yes, and describes his findings...

A Gallup senior economist led the study. Top Gallup experts and esteemed external senior scientists reviewed it to ensure statistical and theoretical accuracy and objectivity.

Dismal Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts

Dismal Jobs Report

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Paul Craig Roberts

The presstitute media delivered the false news, not from Russian propaganda websites such as the Washington Post accuses this one of being, but from Obama’s US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The false news is that the collapsing economy continues to boom with 178,000 new jobs in November and a further fall in the rate of unemployment to 4.6%.

What are the facts? Nothing you will ever hear from the presstitutes or the corrupt Obama regime.

Trump Picks Pro Wrestling Mogul Linda McMahon To Run Small Business Administration

While some of Trump's previous administration picks have raised an eyebrow or two in the past two weeks, his choice of Linda McMahon, pro wrestling mogul and wife of WWE legend Vince McMahon, to head the Small Business Administration will likely be his most scrutizined yet.

McMahon had previously been floated as a potential appointee due to her ties to GOP causes and Trump personally, as well as Trump's history of appearances at WWE pro wrestling events.
