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Is The Donald trumped? Clinton scheming to seize the White House through backdoor

Is The Donald trumped? Clinton scheming to seize the White House through backdoor

Robert Bridge

The United States is so corrupt that the scenario presented by Robert Bridge is possible.
It was stupid or corrupt of Jill Stein to have set this possibility in motion.

George Soros Announces China Must Lead The New World Order

In an interview with the Financial Times, George Soros has subtly laid out the banksters’ plan for ushering in the New World Order, announcing that China must lead the New World Order, “creating it and owning it” and supplanting the United States as the world’s economic superpower. Soros’ plans for China are the exact opposite of Donald Trump’s expected policies regarding China. The President-elect has described the Asian giant as a “currency manipulator” and outlined plans to correct the current situation of unfair competition and bring good jobs back to America.

Redneck Investin Part 4 - Free on the Fringe

Redneck Investin Part 4 - Free on the Fringe

Seems yall didn’t quite get the gist of our series – and why it should even be bothered to appear.  Well, a few reasons.  One, not everyone has the means of investing in ‘decent’ strategies that may only be eligible for accredited investors or QEPs.  Two, those who don’t have the means to invest in $1 M minimum programs also don’t have the means of educating themselves to the level that they can do it themselves successfully.  Three, this analysis can shift your thinking and help improve your existing investing strategy.

Tomorrow's Vote In Italy Will Be A "Wide-Ranging F**k Off", And It's Just The Start...

Submitted by Nick Giambruno via,

Tomorrow, December 4, Italy is holding a referendum that will determine the fate of the entire European Union.

Donald Trump’s victory—which shocked Europe’s political and media elite—gives the populists backing the “No” side of Italy’s referendum the political rocket fuel they need for a virtually guaranteed win.

That momentum will be all but impossible to reverse. Anti-elite sentiment is rising on both sides of the Atlantic. And I bet the global populist revolution will continue.
