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Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For The First Time In Decades - "This Is A Big Deal"

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For The First Time In Decades - "This Is A Big Deal"

For the first time in two decades, according to a new study released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the life expectancy of the average American declined in 2015.  Of course, with America's obesity epidemic spiraling out of control it probably shouldn't be a surprise that the occurrence of deaths related to America's number 1 killer, heart disease, is on the rise (see "FatLivesMatter: At Least 1 Out Of Every 5 People Are Obese In All 50 States").

Paranoia Alert: The Trump Trap Has Been Laid

There isn't anything wrong with a little paranoia -- especially when someone is actually out to get you. For the past year, we've heard nothing but horrible things about Trump, how he was 'literally Hitler', an orange pussy grabbing megalomaniac who'd usher in a black age of nuclear fallout and wanton dictatorship. Assholes like Mark Cuban warned of imminent market crashes upon the miracle of him getting elected.

Big Money Intends To Shut Down Our Website — Paul Craig Roberts

Big Money Intends To Shut Down Our Website

Paul Craig Roberts

Big Money and the US government controlled by Big Money intend to close down Internet truthtellers. As Trump intends to reduce the tensions between nuclear powers, the 200 List prepared by the shadowy Internet site, PropOrNot, is in Trump’s way. Either Trump will be apprised and convinced of the “Russian threat,” or the dissident websites will be promoted to “Muslim apologists” and fall under the ire of Trump’s Iranophobic generals.
