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Is the US Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks on President-elect Trump?

Is the US Government Behind the Fake News Media Attacks on President-elect Trump?

Paul Craig Roberts

Eric Zuesse has brought to our attention that US intelligence officials have placed a story in Buzzfeed, “a Democratic party mouthpiece,” that the Russian government used fake news to get Donald Trump elected president.
According to Buzzfeed:

Crisis Averted: China Calls Taiwan Phone Call A "Gimmick" As It Lodges Diplomatic Protest

Crisis Averted: China Calls Taiwan Phone Call A "Gimmick" As It Lodges Diplomatic Protest

Following  yesterday's unexpected phone call between Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Trump, which broke with decades of foreign policy norms resulting from Washington's official "One China" stance....

No Weakling Will Escape Getting Trumped

President-elect Donald Trump will leave his mark on the most vulnerable people in society as America says goodbye to the Age of Aquarius and enlightenment and embraces a turbulent future based on past-their-sell-by-date ideas. Nothing will escape the predicted Trump earthquake which is set to shatter civil norms in the coming years and send shock-waves throughout progressive communities in the world. The oldest person to become US president is going to make America great again. AlterNet reports: How ‘We’ Will Not Survive Trump History proves that idea has never been true.

Obama Supports Forcing Women To Register For Military Draft

Submitted by Jason Ditz via,

Continuing the debate over a massive expansion of the Selective Service, the White House today announced that President Obama is in favor of expanding registration for the military draft to include all women when they turn 18.

"As old barriers for military service are being removed, the administration supports — as a logical next step — women registering for the Selective Service," said Ned Price, a spokesman for Obama's National Security Council.


US House of Representatives Passes Law Against Telling the Truth in America — Paul Craig Roberts

US House of Representatives Passes Law Against Telling the Truth in America

Paul Craig Roberts

The US House of Representatives is so threatened by truth that “our” representatives have passed a law against telling the truth. As all truth in America is told by “Russian agents” spreading “false news,” the truth is no longer to be allowed.

Read very carefully the ZeroHedge report below:
