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No Weakling Will Escape Getting Trumped

President-elect Donald Trump will leave his mark on the most vulnerable people in society as America says goodbye to the Age of Aquarius and enlightenment and embraces a turbulent future based on past-their-sell-by-date ideas. Nothing will escape the predicted Trump earthquake which is set to shatter civil norms in the coming years and send shock-waves throughout progressive communities in the world. The oldest person to become US president is going to make America great again. AlterNet reports: How ‘We’ Will Not Survive Trump History proves that idea has never been true. “There’s a whole generation of dead queer men and dead poor women of color who didn’t survive Reagan. There’s over a million dead Iraqis who didn’t survive Bush. There’s millions upon millions whose lives were destroyed by the muscular policing policies of Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher and Obama. Stop saying 'we' survived them. Stop ignoring all those dead, incarcerated and disenfranchised people." — Dr. Shanté Paradigm Smalls “We will survive Trump,” I keep hearing people say, often followed by a reference to how “we” survived Bush, or Reagan, or Nixon, or so many other historic calamities. At worst, I’ve seen this sentiment expressed by people whose safety and well-being [...]

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