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More Lies From The 'Experts': "Get Trump At All Costs"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

As flyover America has been suffering economically for many years, these Americans were immune to the oligarchy’s anti-Trump propaganda. However, everyone else in the country was taken in by the propaganda - liberals, progressives, the remnant of the leftwing, and even Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site who normally writes intelligent commentary.

Towards An 'America First' Trump Trade Policy

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

Donald Trump’s election triumph is among the more astonishing in history.

Yet if he wishes to become the father of a new “America First” majority party, he must make good on his solemn promise:

To end the trade deficits that have bled our country of scores of thousands of factories, and to create millions of manufacturing jobs in the USA.

Fail here, and those slim majorities in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin disappear.

Jill Stein Advocate Slams Recount Decision: "Shameful Support For War Goddess Hillary"

Submitted by Progressive Radio Host Steve Lendman,

Jill Stein for Hillary?

Shameful! What’s going on? Why did her campaign announce its “intent to file for a recount of votes in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, leading a multi-partisan effort to check the accuracy of the machine-counted vote tallies in these states in order to ensure the integrity of our election?”

China Unveils New Capital Controls

China Unveils New Capital Controls

Back in March, when China's various forms of soft capital controls had failed to stem China's relentless capital outflows, we reported that "bizarro M&A" deals were rapidly becoming "China's Most Innovative Capital Outflow Yet." We pointed out several M&A deals that simply made no sense from the fiduciary perspective of a rational buyer, and had all the signs of a panicked attempt to park cash offshore in the form of mergers and acquisitions with zero regard for cost or return on investment. Among these were:
