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Muhammad Ali Was The Greatest

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali passed away on Friday. He was the prettiest black man and the most wonderful boxer America had ever seen. Boxing being a brutal ugly sport was transformed into artistic performance whenever he entered the ring. He dominated the ring and only lost out to himself. Like many boxers Muhammad Ali did not retire from the sport he loved till his brain gave up on too many concussions. Ali was brutalized by the establishment for being a rebel. He was penalized financially for being Muhammad Ali. The greatest American who ever lived, Muhammad Ali, 1942-2016.

Michelle Obama Launches First Attack At Donald Trump

Michelle Obama Launches First Attack At Donald Trump

One day after president Obama took a pot shot at Donald Trump in what appeared to be an escalation in campaigning against the New York billionaire on Hillary's behalf during a Wednesday PBS town hall, Trump promptly shot back, saying that "this is a president who doesn't have a clue," during his rally in Sacramento.  "He’s going to start campaigning. Well, if he campaigns, that means I’m allowed to hit him just like I hit Bill Clinton, I guess right... If he doesn’t, I don’t care.

The Media Divides Us With Gorillas To Enable The Crimes Of The Government

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

By now, we’ve all witnessed selective outrage in real time — a misdeed, tragedy, or other infuriating item blows up national headlines and almost immediately receives backlash in the vein of, ‘well, why isn’t anyone irate about ___ ?’ It’s as if society has developed not only an odd hypocritical corner on the market of concern, but a notable inability to impassion itself with more than one issue at once.
