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Muhammad Ali Was The Greatest

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali passed away on Friday. He was the prettiest black man and the most wonderful boxer America had ever seen. Boxing being a brutal ugly sport was transformed into artistic performance whenever he entered the ring. He dominated the ring and only lost out to himself. Like many boxers Muhammad Ali did not retire from the sport he loved till his brain gave up on too many concussions. Ali was brutalized by the establishment for being a rebel. He was penalized financially for being Muhammad Ali. The greatest American who ever lived, Muhammad Ali, 1942-2016. Scunthorpe Telegraph reports: Often regarded as the greatest boxer to ever lace up the gloves – the three-time world heavyweight champion has passed away aged 74. His professional record stood at 56 wins and five defeats. But it wasn’t just what Ali did in the ring that made him so iconic – his personality and charisma helped broaden the appeal of his sport. The best ever… My dad showed me videos of your greatness growing up!!! RIP Muhammad Ali a true Champ in and out the ring — Jake Quickenden (@JakeQuickenden) June 4, 2016 Boxing Legend #Muhammad #Ali Dies Aged 74 – sad news, another legend [...]