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Four Lost Decades: The Bumbling Incompetence Of The Power Elite

Four Lost Decades: The Bumbling Incompetence Of The Power Elite

Authored by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum),

Geniuses in Charge

Is there any smarter group of homo sapiens on the planet? Or in all of history? We’re talking about Fed economists, of course.

Not only did they avoid another Great Depression by bold absurdity…giving the economy more of the one thing of which it clearly had too much – debt. They also carefully monitored the economy’s progress so as to avoid any backsliding into normalcy.


The Task Confronting Libertarians

Authored by Henry Hazlitt via The Mises Institute,

From time to time over the last thirty years, after I have talked or written about some new restriction on human liberty in the economic field, some new attack on private enterprise, I have been asked in person or received a letter asking, "What can I do" — to fight the inflationist or socialist trend? Other writers or lecturers, I find, are often asked the same question. 
