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Structured Credit Bubble 2.0: Asian Investors Binge On "Boom-And-Bust" CLOs; Issuance Up 97% YoY

Structured Credit Bubble 2.0: Asian Investors Binge On "Boom-And-Bust" CLOs; Issuance Up 97% YoY

Back in 2006, some of the wall street banks (ahem, Goldman) managed to layoff quite a bit of their mortgage risk to unwitting European and Asian investors who, in their desperate 'search for yield', had no idea they had just been conned into stepping in front of a freight train.  Now, it seems that the same thing may be happening yet again with another favorite wall street structured product, Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs).

Mapping The World's Population

Mapping The World's Population

At the end of olast year, there were 7,418,151,841 people on our planet, and while many in America still believe the world revolves around them, this map shows the world resized by each nation's current population...


Source: BofAML TransformingWorld Atlas

The five most populous nations are China (1.4bn people), India (1.3bn), the USA (324mm), Indonesia (259mm), and Brazil(206mm). BofAML sees four key 'people'-related investment themes emerging from this - Asia, Aging, Millenials, and Urbanization.
