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Stronger Dollar Sends Futures Higher, Oil Lower, Asian Stocks To Two Month Lows

Stronger Dollar Sends Futures Higher, Oil Lower, Asian Stocks To Two Month Lows

Yesterday's weak dollar headfake has ended and overnight the USD rallied, while Asian stocks dropped to the lowest level in 7 weeks and crude oil fell as speculation returned that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates as early as next month. The pound jumped and European stocks gained thanks to a weaker EUR.

The Wildest Predictions For Oil Prices In 2016

The Wildest Predictions For Oil Prices In 2016

Submitted by Michael McDonald via,

One reality in the markets is that despite the best efforts of analysts and traders, no one ever knows with any degree of certainty what will happen to the price of an investment in the future. Oil exemplifies that premise right now. All year there has been a tremendous amount of discrepancy in predictions for oil prices with some commentators looking for prices of $10 a barrel and others expecting prices near $100.

Americans: A Conquered People: The New Serfs — Paul Craig Roberts

Americans: A Conquered People: The New Serfs

Paul Craig Roberts

As readers know, I have seen some optimism in voters support for Trump and Sanders as neither are members of the corrupt Republican and Democratic political establishments. Members of both political establishments enrich themselves by betraying the American people and serving only the interest of the One Percent. The American people are being driven into the ground purely for the sake of more mega-billions for a handful of super-rich people.

Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Following the latest month abysmal trade and PMI data out of Japan overnight (April exports crashed -10.1 %, worse than the exp. -9.8 and worse than last month's -6.8% while imports plunged -23.3% also far worse than exp. -18.8 and March -14.9%; PMI 47.6, Exp. 48.3, last 48.2), it was supposed to be a straight up for the USDJPY, and its carry linked E-mini.

Russia Prepares For NATO’s Declaration Of War

NATO has deployed military personnel and weapons on the Russian border in readiness to declare war on Russia, according to Mike Billington, Asia editor for the Executive Intelligence Review.  According to Billington Russia is making the necessary plans to fight World War 3, possibly as early as this summer. reports: Press TV has interviewed Mike Billington, from the Asia Desk of the Executive Intelligence Review in Leesburg, about Russia condemning NATO for granting membership to Montenegro. The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
