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Visualizing China's Rising Dominance In Trade (In 4 Shocking Maps)

Visualizing China's Rising Dominance In Trade (In 4 Shocking Maps)

We often use big, overarching ideas to help us understand the world and the opportunities contained within. These narratives, which can change over time, are used to create context. They give us a frame of reference for comprehending the news and events that affect our outlook on things.

As VisualCapitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, China’s economic prowess is one of these new paradigms that has emerged, but many people still can’t really wrap their heads around the scale or scope of it.

Russian Fighter Jet Flies Within 50 Feet Of US Spy Plane Over Russian Naval Base

Russian Fighter Jet Flies Within 50 Feet Of US Spy Plane Over Russian Naval Base

Tensions continue to escalate between the US and Russia. As a reminder, Russia conducted several close encounter fly-bys when first a Russian Su-24 "buzzed" the US missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea, and just days later flew within 50 feet of a US recon plane also flying over the Baltic Sea. The U.S. quickly responded and complained vocally to Russia, followed quickly by the first deployment of US F-22 stealth fighter to Romania, in close proximity to both the Black Sea and 400 km from the Russian military stronghold of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula.
