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Russia Says ‘Global Catastrophe On Its Way’, Deploys Thousands Of Troops

Russia has ordered an acceleration of troop movements in the Eastern Military District following reports that a global catastrophe is on its way.  Around 25,000 troops have been deployed since the 19 April, 2016, in a “drill framework” designed not to arouse fears in the general population. Troops have been told to be on full alert for a possible mega-earthquake any day now, should the Pactific Plate begin to fracture.

The Reason Why Oil Dropped: Saudis Set To Boost Production In Scramble For Chinese Demand

The Reason Why Oil Dropped: Saudis Set To Boost Production In Scramble For Chinese Demand

After meandering steadily higher for the past week, and completely ignoring the negative newsflow out of the Doha meeting, today oil took an unexpected leg lower to 4-day lows, leaving many stumped: what caused this drop?

The answer, according to Citi, is the realization Saudi Arabia is actually making good on its threat to boost production (recall that just one day ahead of Doha, Saudi deputy crown prince bin Salman said he could add a million barrels immediately) something we noted a month ago in "Why Saudi Arabia Has No Intention To End The Oil Glut."

Why Voters Will Stay Angry

Why Voters Will Stay Angry

From the supporters of Donald Trump to the street protesters of southern Europe, voters around the world are mad as hell. Inequality, immigration, and the establishment's perceived indifference are firing up electorates in a way that's rarely been seen before. As the following charts from Bloomberg show, the forces shaping the disruption of global politics have been building for years and aren't about to diminish...

The world's middle classes are getting poorer
